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The difference between permeable and porous asphalt

Dotcom Design • January 22, 2018
Permeable; Porous; Asphalt

Permeable or pervious asphalt has connected spaces that allow water to pass or percolate through the surface. Porous asphalt has holes that allow water to penetrate but since the spaces are not interconnected, it doesn’t move underneath to the underground water table.

How long does a driveway take to cure?

The duration to keep off your new driveway depends on the material used and the climate. If it's an asphalt driveway, 48 hours are enough when there's sufficient sunlight. For concrete, we recommend at least seven days for it to dry completely after driveway paving Lac Crosse.

How long will my asphalt driveway last after paving

Asphalt is the most preferred material for driveway paving in La Crosse given its economical and easy to maintain. If an asphalt driveway is installed correctly, it can last anywhere between 20 and 30 years, with maintenance required from time to time. Installation quality, sub-grade stability, and the maintenance will determine it’s life.

How long does a concrete driveway last?

Whether it’s residential or commercial driveway paving La Crosse , the manner in which the concrete was poured will determine its lifespan. If done correctly, a concrete driveway can even last more than 35 years with minimal maintenance required between the 20th and 30th year. Climate and water run-off will also impact the life of a concrete driveway.

Can I use pavers for driveway paving?

Interlocking pavers are very common during driveway installation. You’re free to do driveway paving La Crosse as you wish to produce the pattern you want. Only your imagination can limit you. Pavers are not only flexible and strong but can also withstand harsh weather conditions. The beauty of interlocking pavers is that they're pretty simple to repair and maintain.

By Dotcom Design October 20, 2022
We all know that cracked asphalt is bad news. It can affect drainage and the structure of your driveway, making the surface unlevel and unsightly. As a homeowner, it's important to maintain the appearance of your drive. The same goes for commercial and industrial property owners, too. Asphalt driveways can be one of the smartest investments. Their wide surface area makes them suitable for carrying heavy vehicle traffic, keeping the ground cool on particularly hot days, and absorbing sound around your property. If well-maintained, you can drive on top of an asphalt driveway without worrying about raised or sunken areas, which makes it especially attractive to contractors. If not, then we're here to help! We have listed the types of cracks to look out for, as well as some ideas on how to fix them. Transverse Cracking Transverse cracks develop perpendicular to the asphalt structure's centerline, typically in the same direction as the aggregate was poured. Poor construction or reflecting fissures deep beneath the surface or close to the asphalt pavement's base can cause transverse cracks, as can some longitudinal crack forms. Transverse cracks are repaired in the same way as longitudinal cracks are repaired. Longitudinal Cracking Longitudinal cracks span the length of the pavement, from one end to the other, down the centerline or slightly off-center in the direction the pavement was laid down. Pavement fatigue is primarily caused by aging, excessive use, or inadequate maintenance. Another key factor is inadequate initial design and installation. Small longitudinal fractures of half an inch or less in-depth and width can be swiftly sealed or patched to keep water from accessing the surface and causing more harm. Larger cracks require full surface rehabilitation, which includes removing the asphalt and replacing it with new aggregate. Alligator Cracking This problem is exactly what it appears to be. Because it is made up of a series of hairline fractures that intersect in a lattice-like pattern, alligator cracking looks like an alligator's dry and cracked skin. Ignoring this type of cracking will only exacerbate the problem as vehicles of varying sizes and weight capacities continue to drive on it. Alligator cracking may lead to potholes, which are more expensive and difficult to repair. Alligator cracking is frequently a sign of a more significant structural problem that should be explored thoroughly. A simple repair will not suffice. Depending on the extent and depth of the damage, the most successful way is to remove the damaged asphalt, compact the base aggregate, and then patch the area. If the cracking has spread throughout the pavement, a total asphalt overlay may be required. Edge Cracking As the name implies, edge cracking starts at the very corners or on the sides of the pavement and proceeds toward the center of the building. A sagging foundation or a lack of appropriate support along the pavement's outside border are common causes. If you notice cracks on one side of the pavement construction, evaluate the surrounding boundaries to make sure they have a strong enough internal support system to prevent additional damage. The repair of edge cracking is usually simple. Minor cracks can be sealed or filled with a hot or cold patch. To prevent future cracking, however, the deeper issue of insufficient support must be addressed, and this is where the real work begins. Block Cracking When cracks emerge in a large square or rectangular patterns over your asphalt pavement, this is known as block cracking. A weak binding agent in the asphalt aggregate is the most typical cause of this type of cracking. When the binding ingredient is insufficient or vanishes over time, the asphalt surface fails to contract and extract with temperature changes. When block cracking starts in one area of your parking lot, it can soon spread throughout the lot, causing more catastrophic damages like potholes. A simple sealer or patch job on microscopic block cracks that cover 1.2 inches or less of surface area can keep the gaps from spreading and allow moisture or debris in. Seal the surface area for added protection. Joint Reflection Cracking Joint reflection cracking is caused by thermal and moisture fluctuations in the asphalt pavement's subbase. Surface cracking can result from sudden temperature fluctuations that cause the underlying PCC slabs to shift. Cracks occur just above the internal pavement joints and spread quickly across the asphalt's surface. Joint reflection cracking can be misinterpreted as block cracking from the outside due to the square or rectangular patterns that appear on the surface. A patch or sealant can quickly fix small joint reflection fractures close to the pavement's surface. Larger cracks in the pavement will demand a complete asphalt overhaul and repaving with a more durable aggregate. Slippage Cracking Lack of cohesion and proper compaction between two layers of asphalt pavement causes slippage fractures that resemble crescents or half-moons. When fresh asphalt is poured on top of existing or foundational asphalt aggregate without ensuring that the two combinations are harmoniously integrated, this happens. Exposure to dirt, pollutants, oil leakage, or other types of vehicle leaks that might break down the asphalt aggregate's weak bonding agent can cause this asphalt fault to develop over time. Only by partially or completely removing the asphalt in the affected area and replacing it with new aggregate can slippage cracks be fixed. Driveway Sealcoating Services in La Crosse Custom Sealcoating and Paving will assist you with any asphalt driveway issues. We provide high-quality asphalt paving , asphalt repair, and asphalt maintenance to residential, commercial, municipal, and industrial clients. Request your free quote today!
By Multifuse Team December 15, 2021
By Multifuse Team May 18, 2021
By Dotcom Design November 14, 2020
You just installed a high-quality driveway, and you want to put in the best sealcoating Madison, Sun Prarie, Fitchburg, Middleton, Waunakee, and Baraboo, Wisconsin has to offer. However, you also need to make sure that you understand the amount of maintenance this unique sealant option requires. Thankfully, there isn't much that you have to do to keep your driveway's sealcoat safe. So before talking about maintenance, let's examine precisely what this sealant does for your driveway. The Nature of a Sealcoat Sealcoating is a unique sealant option that is designed to protect a myriad of different pavement types. However, they are most often used on asphalt driveways for a few various reasons. First of all, asphalt pavement is a uniquely challenging type of pavement to keep secure. Though it is very sturdy and can last for years, its construction of rock and rock aggregates produces a surface that can be porous. Even with the binder of asphalt cement, this pavement may let more water be inside than you may want. And this is a problem because the water in your asphalt will expand in cold weather and trigger a high potential for damage throughout your surface. Just as much of an issue is the fact that asphalt is often heavily prone to damage from rain, UV rays, chemicals, and other destructive elements. This problem occurs because these items will break down the binder in the asphalt and tear it apart. As a result, it is vital to take steps to ensure that this problem doesn't occur on your driveway. That's where a sealcoat comes into play. This unique care option goes on the surface of your driveway to produce a protective layer that will prevent a myriad of damage types from occurring. For example, a sealcoat can stop water from seeping into the surface of your asphalt and expanding later on in your driveway's life. As a result, your driveway won't suffer the kind of expansion and contraction that can occur if the surface is allowed to get too wet and heat and cold cause it change its size and shape. However, sealcoating is also essential for protecting against wind, rain, ice, and UV rays. When heat falls on a sealcoat, its unique protective surface will stop the damage from occurring and keep your driveway as safe as possible. Just as importantly, this reflective surface makes sure that no unneeded heat sinks into your driveway, keeping it cooler to the touch than it may otherwise be. And this type of treatment requires very minimal installation and maintenance to stay strong for years. Application Steps That Keep Sealcoat Strong When you add a sealcoat to your driveway, there are a few steps that you must take to ensure that you do it properly. For example, you need to make sure that you apply one when the temperature is at a reasonable level. Typically, you're going to want warmer weather, the hotter the better, to get the best results from your sealcoat. We suggest a temperature of at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit on the day that you apply your sealcoat. You need to make sure that the temperature will be at that level or higher for 24 hours or rise to higher levels throughout this period after your application. While your sealcoating won't fall apart if you apply it on colder days – or if the temperature dips below 50 degrees Fahrenheit at any point while it cures – it will likely not cure as well as it would if you did. That's because a good sealcoat needs warmer weather to cure correctly and to avoid complications with its drying. Make sure that you are paying attention to the overnight temperatures, as well, because these are where you are most likely to run into temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Critically, you also need to apply at least two coats to get the best results from your driveway. That's because the first coat is going to soak into the surface of your asphalt and need a second to keep it stable and secure. That said, some people may even want to add a third or fourth coat to their sealcoated driveway. The amount that you use will vary depending on your needs and desires, so don't hesitate to adjust how much you add to your driveway to avoid any unnecessary complications. And don't forget that you also need to install your sealcoat on days when rain is not imminent in the forecast. A good sealcoat needs to dry and cure for 24 hours, as previously mentioned, and won't achieve that goal if it gets wet. Water will dilute the surface of the sealcoat and make it run, which could cause issues with the overall structure of a person's driveway for years to come. As a result, it is best to wait until there are at least 24-48 hours of rain-free weather in the forecast. Necessary Maintenance Steps One of the best things about sealcoating is that it doesn't require a lot of maintenance to stay healthy. Most people can probably sweep up their driveway once a week to keep off debris and other items. When dirt and different types of stains start to build up, it may be necessary to scrub the surface with asphalt cleaner. However, these steps are relatively minor compared to many other types of driveway maintenance. For example, some driveway materials may force you to add paint and other types of sealants to the surface every year or even once every six months. A sealcoat doesn't need that much maintenance. In fact, a good sealcoat should last a homeowner 3-4 years if properly applied and carefully cleaned. That said, the average life is usually about 2-3 years, which is still a very long time for a sealant. Then, all a homeowner has to do is add another couple of coats to the surface of their driveway to get great results. They should never add more than 3-4 layers, though – more sealcoat isn't always better. That's because it can pool up and cause issues with the surface that may wear away its top layer. We suggest two coats to get the best results and strongly advise never going over three. Getting the Driveway You Want If you want the best sealcoating Madison, Sun Prarie, Fitchburg, Middleton, Waunakee, and Baraboo, Wisconsin has to offer, please contact us at Custom Sealcoating today to learn more about how we can help you. Our experts have years of experience working in their field and will do whatever it takes to make you happy. And they will create a maintenance plan that ensures your sealcoat is safe as well.
By Dotcom Design March 12, 2020
Driveway damage can be a real problem for many homes. Thankfully, the best driveway sealcoating in Madison, LaCrosse, Sun Prairie, Fitchburg, Onalaska, Middleton, Waunakee, and Baraboo, Wisconsin can help. When you contact us at Custom Sealcoating, we'll keep your driveway secure with a new sealcoat. 1. Helps Enhance the Appearance of a Driveway When your pavement ends up getting damaged over time, its appearance can very quickly degrade. For example, cracks can spread across the surface that will worsen by becoming broader and more profound. As these cracks become more of an issue, they are likely to degrade, not just the look but the quality of your pavement as well. Thankfully, driveway sealcoating can help out in many different ways here. A sealcoat helps to prevent cracks from occurring and even keep them from getting worse if they do appear before you apply the sealcoat. That's because this material helps to block UV rays and keeps cold temperatures from impacting your asphalt. As a result, your driveway will be stronger and have fewer appearance issues than if you'd just left it alone. Even better, a new coat of sealcoating helps to make the surface appear blacker and more attractive. As a result, asphalt that has started to stain or lose its color a bit will look more vibrant and new. So make sure that you keep your sealcoat up to date on your driveway. Typically, an application once every 2-4 years is all that is necessary. This step helps to prevent the spread of severe blemishes that can make your driveway unappealing. 2. Stops Water Damage From Getting Worse Asphalt is robust and resilient to many types of damage. However, water has an unfortunate tendency to absorb into untreated asphalt and seep down to the bottom. When this happens, the water may spread cracks farther apart or lead to severely decreased integrity that makes a driveway less secure. Thankfully, sealcoating can help with this problem. Sealcoats produce a durable protective surface that stops water from sinking into a slab of asphalt. When this happens, water will flow off of your pavement and to the sides, where it can water your lawn or end up evaporated over time. And sealcoating can also help to stop water stains from spreading and becoming more damaging. This issue is one that can become a real concern if you don't take the time to upgrade your sealcoat ever 2-4 years. The time frame all depends on the state of your driveway and the sealcoat that you use. 3. Stop Chemicals From Damaging Asphalt Those who have any driveway likely know that chemicals are a common contaminant. For example, gasoline and oil may spill out of vehicles and eat away at the asphalt. This problem can become an issue if a car is parked in the same spot for an extended period, and leaking fluids cause damage to the pavement. Thankfully, driveway sealcoating can help here in a variety of different ways. For example, sealcoat will stop gasoline and oil from eating into the surface of asphalt without triggering any problems. Instead, you should find it more comfortable to wipe these chemicals off of a driveway to keep it as secure as possible for your home's needs. In this way, the top layer of your asphalt driveway won't degrade, and the rest of your driveway's interior will remain as secure as possible. Thankfully, a good sealcoat should resist damage from these chemicals quite well – probably better than you'd expect. So make sure to consider this option for your home. A good asphalt driveway is not protected without one. We particularly suggest it if your home has many cars that park there regularly. With a sealcoat, you won't have to worry about them damaging a home's driveway nearly as much. 4. Enhances Cleaning Efforts Asphalt driveways don't need to be cleaned that often to stay healthy. That said, it is essential to make sure that you sweep them regularly and hose them down to break up stains and other problems. However, these processes can be robust if your driveway is damaged. For example, your broom bristles may stick in the surface, or the water may end up getting into cracks and causing damage. Thankfully, a driveway sealcoating should help out in this situation. A high-quality sealcoat creates an extra layer of protection that ensures a driveway is protected for years to come. As a result, you won't have to clean your driveway as much because it won't stain as heavily and will resist the damage of dirt, soil, and other common contaminants more quickly than it would have otherwise. Even better, your surface should be also and more comfortable to brush and shouldn't have the kind of cracks into which water can flow. By stopping water from seeping into the cracks of a driveway, it is possible to keep it secure and resistant for years to come. Even better, it can ensure that you don't spend a lot of time cleaning your driveway, allowing you to enjoy life more quickly than you would have otherwise. 5. Helps Save You Money in Many Ways Lastly, proper sealcoating can be a surprising way to save you good money. This treatment option helps to protect the strength of your driveway to decrease the need for repair or replacement. And even if you have to add a new coating every 2-4 years, you'll still save money. First of all, you won't have to repair your driveway nearly as much as you would otherwise. As mentioned above, you won't experience as many problems with its surface and will not need to clean or repair it for years. In this way, you can focus on other elements of your home that need to be repaired, such as adding new pavers to your garden paths. And as all of these benefits increase the life of your asphalt, you won't have to replace it nearly as soon as you would otherwise. Since asphalt driveways need replacement every 20 years or so, a driveway sealcoating can help to add several more years to its life. In this way, you'll not need to get a completely new driveway for some time. Getting the Help That You Need As you can see, the best driveway sealcoating Madison, LaCrosse, Sun Prairie, Fitchburg, Onalaska, Middleton, Waunakee, and Baraboo, Wisconsin has to offer can provide many benefits that you can't get from other types of sealants. So if you have an asphalt driveway and you want to keep it as secure as possible, please don't hesitate to call us at Custom Sealcoating today to learn more.
By Dotcom Design January 11, 2020
When you're trying to protect your driveway from weather damage, a good sealcoat does a lot to help. However, the best driveway sealcoating in Madison, LaCrosse, Sun Prairie, or Fitchburg, Wisconsin , is something that can take a lot of work to get right. Many people don't properly prepare their driveway or experience a broad array of different mistakes. The following issues are among the most common and are quite easy to avoid if you are smart about how you handle them and their upgrades. Problems With Bonding The most common problem that you're likely to experience when working with driveway sealcoating is bonding problems. These issues develop when you don't take the time to apply the sealcoat to the surface of your driveway properly. Many people either don't know how to prepare the surface of their pavement or don't fully understand the application methods necessary. Thankfully, avoiding this problem is easier than you might anticipate and doesn't require a lot of excessive work from you or your pavement installation experts either. For example, some people don't take the time to clean the surface of their driveway before adding a sealcoat. This issue is probably the most common contributing factor to bonding failure. That's because dirt, dust, mold, and other types of debris will complicate the curing process and make it more difficult for a sealcoat to settle on your pavement. As a result, it is more likely to fall off and cost you a lot of money, even if it takes years to flake off and peel over the years. And remember: you need to make sure to evenly apply sealcoat over the surface of your driveway to keep it as secure as possible. Too many people don't pay attention to this facet and apply their coatings unevenly or with little care. When they behave in this negligent way, they increase the risk of damage to their sealcoat and its likelihood to peel or fall off. Therefore, you should make sure to work with professionals who fully understand this process and who can do it properly for your needs. Failure to Repair Cracks and Breaks Ignoring pavement imperfections is another preparation mistake that many make when adding a sealcoat to their driveway. There are many reasons you may not want to take the time to do these simple repairs. First of all, you may want to avoid bad weather before you add your sealcoat. This extra time allows your coating time to cure and sit properly. However, you may also think that you can't afford repairs before you sealcoat. That's where you are wrong because you'll cost yourself a lot more money if you sealcoat a damaged driveway. For example, problems such as alligator cracks, oil spots, and other types of pavement problems will complicate the success rate of your driveway sealcoating . That's because this process is not designed to fix repairs at all. Instead, your sealcoat is likely to worsen when applied to these areas. These issues include sealcoats filling up the cracks on your driveway or covering up mold or other matters without adequately getting rid of them. In this way, your sealcoat is going to be in fairly rough shape. Therefore, you need to contact experts to repair your pavement before you add any sealcoat to your driveway surface. Failure to do so will ultimately result in you having to call these professionals anyway. They'll have to repair any damage caused by poor sealcoat application and to keep your driveway as secure as possible. So please don't make this mistake, but call them up before you add a sealcoat. You'll be glad that you took the time to make your driveway as secure as possible before sealing it. Adding a Sealcoat Too Soon Lastly, people often don't add driveway sealcoating at the proper time. That's because they are usually in a hurry and think that they need to add one to their driveway much too soon. This mistake is understandable but can be a costly one for many homeowners. For example, you need to wait at least 90 days before you add any sealcoat to your pavement. This time lets the pavement cure and dry properly. However, it would help if you also made sure that the surface of the driveway is at 70 degrees Fahrenheit during that time as well. If the temperature drops too much during this period, you may have to wait longer for the driveway to properly cure. So, you may even want to wait for 100 to 110 days before you add any curing substance. If you don't, you may end up causing damage that you can't repair. After this time has passed, you then need to perform a water-break-free test by placing a gallon of clean water over the surface of the driveway. When you do this test, the water should sheet out across the water without experiencing any oil rings or crawling. If it does, you need to wait longer because your driveway still hasn't adequately cured or dried from its initial installation. Aiming for "Cheapness" Instead of Quality When you're getting driveway sealcoating , you may be tempted to pay as little as possible for the process. We can understand this thought process. After all, who doesn't want to save a little money and keep their pavement as strong as possible? However, we strongly suggest that you always aim for quality over saving money. That's because a high-quality driveway sealcoat will not only protect your driveway better than cheaper options but also cost you less money over the years. First of all, a more expensive sealcoat is usually one that contains better-quality ingredients and is designed to last for years. In this way, you don't have to worry so much about maintaining your driveway or paying for extra money to get new sealcoats. Just as importantly, you won't have to keep the surface as much, either, which ultimately saves you money by preventing the need for various repairs and other care techniques on your sealcoat surface. Therefore, you need to do what you can to choose a sealcoat that is as high-quality as possible. These steps include reaching out to the experts who you plan on hiring for this process. Ask them about the prices of their sealcoats, as well as the brands that they use. Then, you can research these brands on your own to ensure that you are getting only the best. In this way, you make sure that the quality of your driveway's protective surface is as high as you deserve. Get the Help That You Need As you can see, the best driveway sealcoating in Onalaska, Middleton, Waunakee, or Baraboo, Wisconsin , doesn't have to be a complicated process. You'll need to do a little proper preparation and work with the most trustworthy companies that you can find. That's where we come into play. At Custom Sealcoating, we provide some of the most comprehensive and high-quality help that you need for your sealcoating. Our experts fully understand this process and how to keep your driveway secure and protected.
By Dotcom Design November 9, 2019
A good sealcoat will protect your driveway from damage and ensure that it is as secure as possible. However, putting one on your driveway in a wet area can be an issue. So if you want sealcoating in Madison, LaCrosse, Onalaska, or Baraboo, Wisconsin , you need to pay attention to these factors to ensure that things go smoothly when the rainy season rolls around your way. The Factors That Influence Coating Before discussing the problems that occur when sealcoating in wet areas, it is essential to know what conditions make for the best sealcoat. This information is critical because a large number of people try to add one of these coats to their driveway without taking the proper steps of ensuring that it is strong enough for it. As a result, they may make mistakes that worsen the structure of their driveway. For example, you need to add a sealcoat to a driveway when the temperature is going to be 50 degrees Fahrenheit or higher for at least one full day. When the temperature drops below this level, the sealer won't stick properly. And since many wet areas of the nation tend to experience colder temperatures, it is essential to pay attention to the heat before adding a sealcoat to a driveway. Just as importantly, it is crucial to make sure that no rain falls during the time when you're adding a sealcoat. The ground can't even be wet when you apply a sealcoat, or you will run into trouble. And the humidity of the air is another consideration to take into mind. Wet areas often have higher levels of water in the air, which can cause further complications with the surface of your driveway. Why Living in a Wet Area Can Be a Problem Wet conditions are never a good thing for the sealcoating process. When it rains on a sealcoat, the sealant may wash away and end up in your yard instead of drying on your driveway. Even if the coat has sealed but has not entirely cured, rain could still cause a problem with your driveway. For example, the rain could hit the surface and cause a speckled effect that is unattractive and which destroys its protective qualities. Even worse, the water could wreck the curing process by washing away essential chemical additives that keep your sealcoat secure. Most of these problems can be easily avoided by installing a sealcoat when the conditions are what was suggested in the previous section. Once a sealcoat has cured on a driveway, it shouldn't experience too many more problems with water. While you may need to add a new coating more often than you would in drier areas, the actual damage mostly occurs during installation. Avoiding This Problem If you're worried about the weather affecting the quality of your sealcoat, it is crucial to take into account a variety of different aspects. For example, you should only sealcoat when the temperature is appropriate, and no rain is going to fall. In moist areas, this may be only a brief period, but there should be at least one or two weeks every year when no rain is going to fall and the coating can be applied. Just as importantly, it is critical to know how to cover up your driveway if an unexpected rainstorm is likely to occur. A tarp placed over the coat – but held up above it by an inch or so – minimizes direct water impact damage. Beyond that, it also helps to ensure that the temperature is a little warmer if it drops during the rain. While some water may end up on the sealcoat, the level will be much lower. Another way to avoid this issue is to get a sealcoat in the summer when rain is less likely to occur. You might be compelled to get a sealcoat in the spring or fall because the temperature will be cooler and less hard to work in for extended periods. However, summer is the best time for sealcoating because you'll get the kind of temperature and humidity levels that you need for your driveway's protection. DIY Coating is Not Wise While you might think that you can handle sealcoating on your own and try to implement these tips without professional help, you are setting yourself up for a potential disaster if you do. It's not that coating is impossible to do if you're an amateur or have little experience in the field. Instead, it is more likely that you'll make mistakes that professionals would not and which will need to be fixed. For example, you may try to coat your driveway too soon after a rainstorm and end up getting water in it. This will cause the coating to run and trigger disastrous results. You may also try to coat when the weather is not quite ready for it and end up finding a rainstorm is on its way before you coat has had the time it needs to dry and cure. The end result will be another runny mess and difficulties with your driveway. Other mistakes include adding too much to a single area and causing a bulge in the coating that is unattractive and hard to fix. In some cases, you may even have to end up sanding the surface of this bulge to get it back down to standard size. The nature of these fixes can be quite simple but hard to do if you don't have the same kind of coating insight a professional can bring to the job. Getting Help From Us So if you want the best sealcoating Madison, LaCrosse, Onalaska, and Baraboo, Wisconsin has to offer, please contact us at Custom Sealcoating. We have years of experience working in our field and have worked to protect many driveways in wet areas. We know how to not only add sealcoat to your driveway but to make sure that it looks as secure as possible for years to come.
By Dotcom Design September 10, 2019
You just installed a new asphalt driveway, and you want to make sure that it lasts a long time. The best way to do this is to add a sealcoat to its surface. So if you want the best driveway sealcoating that Madison, LaCrosse, Sun Prairie, and Fitchburg, Wisconsin have to offer, make sure to pay attention to these benefits to get an idea of how this product can help protect your driveway and enhance its style in a variety of different ways. The following benefits are just a few examples of how a sealcoat can help your driveway. Other benefits are also abundant, each of which gives you unique access to advantages that you couldn't otherwise get. So make sure that you read on to understand why you need to add a sealcoat to your driveway and to get an idea of the reasons why so many paving contractors add this option to their services as a matter of course, rather than a side option. Enhances Driveway Life Expectancy The life expectancy of the average asphalt driveway is often no more than 20 years or so. However, you can enhance this lifespan by adding a sealcoat to its surface. A driveway sealcoat can help out in this way because of the unique protective qualities that it offers your driveway. Fully understanding this protection can help add a high-quality sealcoat that looks great and which enhances driveway lifespan. First of all, a driveway sealcoating helps to keep water and moisture from absorbing into the surface of your pavement. While this point will be discussed in more depth later on in this blog, understand that this helps to keep the driveway stronger. Just as importantly, a sealcoat can help protect the surface from UV rays, which can quickly wear down the surface of your driveway over time and expose it to a variety of damage types. As a result, you need to add a sealcoat that looks great and which you know will protect your driveway for years to come. If your driveway will have a large number of vehicles either parked on its surface or resting there briefly, a sealcoat can protect it from vehicle fluids – such as coolant and oil – and protect its surface from damage that may become serious over time. Saves You Cash Another great thing about sealcoating a driveway is that it can save you cash. When you own an asphalt driveway, you need to make sure that you perform regular maintenance on its surface to keep it stable. Unfortunately, this maintenance may be costly, particularly if you need to repair or even replace parts of your driveway. Thankfully, a sealcoat can help here by making your driveway more resistant to various types of damage. For example, a high-quality sealcoating will help to protect your driveway from sun and rain, as we've already mentioned once or twice here. However, all of this protection is hugely beneficial because it will give your pavement an, in essence, second skin. This second skin forms a protective barrier that helps to fend off other problems, such as impact damage, that may also impact your driveway. As a result, you won't have to provide your driveway with the same frequency of maintenance that you would otherwise. Even better, you can keep your driveway durable and resistant for years to come simply by adding a driveway sealcoating . Make sure that you add a new sealcoat according to the schedule printed on the can, though. This step ensures that you get the best results that you can buy. Improved Appearance A high-quality driveway needs to have a sturdy asphalt surface that not only protects against weathering damage but which looks great as well. Unfortunately, weathering damage can slowly wear down the appearance of your driveway in a variety of ways. For example, the color will fade, the surface will start to become more brittle, and damage will spread that may be hard to repair without help. Thankfully, a driveway sealcoating can help here by protecting your driveway from these problems. As a result, your asphalt will look younger for much longer than it would have otherwise. Expect minimal breakdowns across its surface when you apply a sealcoat properly. Even better, you can change the appearance of an asphalt driveway by adding a stain or sealant that has a slightly different hue. As a result, you can change your driveway not only to look better but to match your home and other decorative elements near you. This benefit is significant because it helps to ensure that your home looks as great as possible with minimal complications. Importantly, it also helps to create a high-quality style that is hard to top and which will make your home look stronger for longer. Helps Manage Snow and Ice Lastly, a driveway sealcoating is one of the best ways to protect your asphalt driveway from various types of snow and ice problems. Simply put, sealcoating helps to accelerate how quickly that snow and ice melts off of your driveway. When these items melt, they will roll off the surface of your driveway harmlessly and pool along the side in a way that lets them absorb into the ground and avoid damaging your asphalt. This benefit has a lot of advantages that make it an excellent choice for your home. First of all, protection of this type helps to keep water and moisture from absorbing into your pavement surface. As a result, you won't have to worry about expansion and contraction when the temperature changes throughout the year. Water in the asphalt has a nasty habit of growing and shrinking, but sealcoating stops this issue. Make sure that when you apply a sealcoat to your driveway, however, that you do it when the temperature is right. Sealcoating in the winter isn't a great idea because you need the temperature to be at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit to achieve positive effects. The temperature must remain at this level for eight hours after the application as well. So try to add a sealcoat to your driveway during the late summer or early fall season when the temperature is more reasonable. Let Us Help You Get High-Quality Care So if you want the best driveway sealcoating Onalaska, Middleton, Waunakee, and Baraboo, Wisconsin has to offer, and you want a professional to help you achieve that goal, please contact us at Custom Sealcoating today to learn more. Our experts have years of experience and fully understand how to protect your asphalt driveway and make it as secure as possible for your needs.
By Dotcom Design June 28, 2019
The process of sealcoating in LaCrosse, WI is one that many homes in the area should consider. This home upgrade not only enhances the strength of your driveway in a variety of ways but can also boost its appearance in other ways at the same time. As a result, you should seriously consider adding a sealcoat to your home as soon as possible. This design choice is a smart one because it can add value to your home by making your driveway stronger and more attractive, thereby increasing your resale value. Pragmatic Advantages Sealcoating adds a layer of protective sealant to the surface of your asphalt that will seal it from various destructive elements and enhance its structural integrity in a variety of ways. The advantages that this provides often fall into practical benefits that make your driveway a better investment. Just a few of these benefits of sealcoating include: Increased Surface Strength – A good sealcoat should increase the strength and structure of your asphalt driveway. As a result, your driveway can last for much longer than the initial 10-15 years and could even extend into 20-25 years of service without extensive repairs. Enhanced Water Protection – Asphalt is prone to various types of water damage if rain or snow water soaks into its surface. Thankfully, a high-quality sealcoat can keep water out of your driveway and prevent expansion and contraction when the temperature changes throughout the year. Improved Sun Guard – The sun is another damaging element to an asphalt driveway, particularly if you don't add a protective sealant. Thankfully, a sealcoat can keep the surface of your path secure against the sun and prevent various types of severe damage issues. Boosted Home Value – A home's value is a complex calculation that requires a multitude of elements, including the strength of various outdoor elements. As a result, a sealcoated driveway may add hundreds – if not thousands – of dollars to your home's value by providing a stronger and weather-resistant path. Most people are interested in these and other pragmatic design advantages when getting a sealcoat. However, others may be interested in the ways that a sealcoat can change the color and texture of an asphalt driveway and then using these changes to enhance their home's appearance. Design Benefits Although a good sealcoat is a practical choice that will make your driveway last for years longer, sealcoating also provides many design benefits for your home. Many of these benefits are quite subtle and may not be apparent at first without a little searching. Thankfully, the following advantages should be present with just about any sealcoat job that you perform: Enhanced Curb Appeal – A new sealcoat can make your home look more attractive and either make it easier to sell or improve its value and make your house worth more money to you. Matched Home Appearance – Choose a color that matches the design of your home – including the exterior elements – to create a driveway that your neighbors will want for their house. Improved Landscaping – Various landscaping elements, such as bushes, can benefit from a sealcoated driveway. Simply put, the bushes will look better if you make your path more attractive. Better Neighborhood Matching – Your home shouldn't look too excessively different from your neighbors, and a good sealcoat can help tweak your driveway to create an integrated neighborhood design. These benefits are all a massive part of why a sealcoat is such an excellent investment for many homeowners. Even if you aren't that interested in the exterior appearance of your home – or have little skill in choosing great designs – a professional asphalt sealcoat agent can choose colors that match your home and will work hard to provide you with the protective surface your driveway needs. When to Get a Sealcoat The process of adding a sealcoat to your asphalt driveway is a simple one that a professional can handle in a single afternoon. As a result, you should consider the most common times when a sealcoat is an excellent choice for an asphalt driveway. While you can add a coat whenever you want – assuming your path needs it – the following times are the best moments to add one to your asphalt driveway: When Installing a Driveway – After you asphalt has thoroughly dried and set in your lawn, a high-quality sealcoat is a good idea. This protective layer will ensure that your driveway doesn't wear down and will ensure that your pavement is durable for years to come. After a Few Years – If you've had an asphalt driveway for a few years and you haven't gotten a sealcoat, now may be the time. Typically, you need to apply a new layer once every 2-3 years or so, depending on the severity of weather in your area and the temperature changes. Before Selling a Home – People who are interested in selling their home should probably add a sealcoat to their driveway. This simple step can add a few thousand dollars to the asking price of your home by ensuring that the path is durable and protected for years to come. After Buying a House – A new home purchase is always a good time to sealcoat your driveway. Simply put, the previous owner of the home may not have added a sealcoat to their asphalt, and you cannot assume that they did and just didn't tell you. Add one to make sure that it’s protected. Though these are the most common times that you should add a sealcoat to your home, you can also add one at various other moments. The addition of a sealcoat should vary depending on your needs and the needs of your driveway. For example, you may want to consider sealcoating your path if the temperature has gotten very high and you're worried about heat damage on your asphalt. Who Can Get You a Sealcoat As you can see, a sealcoat asphalt driveway is a beneficial process that will help a large number of people get the path that they want. Just as importantly, the aesthetic benefits of this process ensure that your home looks attractive and appealing at the same time. So if you have an asphalt driveway that you want to make sure looks excellent, contact a professional near you to get a sealcoat. You won't regret making this simple – and relatively inexpensive – home improvement option. Thankfully, our professionals are capable of sealcoating in the LaCrosse, WI area and will work hard to ensure that you get the best possible results from this experience.
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