You just installed a new asphalt driveway, and you want to make sure that it lasts a long time. The best way to do this is to add a sealcoat to its surface. So if you want the best driveway sealcoating that Madison, LaCrosse, Sun Prairie, and Fitchburg, Wisconsinhave to offer, make sure to pay attention to these benefits to get an idea of how this product can help protect your driveway and enhance its style in a variety of different ways.
The following benefits are just a few examples of how a sealcoat can help your driveway. Other benefits are also abundant, each of which gives you unique access to advantages that you couldn't otherwise get. So make sure that you read on to understand why you need to add a sealcoat to your driveway and to get an idea of the reasons why so many paving contractors add this option to their services as a matter of course, rather than a side option.
Enhances Driveway Life Expectancy
The life expectancy of the average asphalt driveway is often no more than 20 years or so. However, you can enhance this lifespan by adding a sealcoat to its surface. A driveway sealcoat can help out in this way because of the unique protective qualities that it offers your driveway. Fully understanding this protection can help add a high-quality sealcoat that looks great and which enhances driveway lifespan.
First of all, a driveway sealcoatinghelps to keep water and moisture from absorbing into the surface of your pavement. While this point will be discussed in more depth later on in this blog, understand that this helps to keep the driveway stronger. Just as importantly, a sealcoat can help protect the surface from UV rays, which can quickly wear down the surface of your driveway over time and expose it to a variety of damage types.
As a result, you need to add a sealcoat that looks great and which you know will protect your driveway for years to come. If your driveway will have a large number of vehicles either parked on its surface or resting there briefly, a sealcoat can protect it from vehicle fluids – such as coolant and oil – and protect its surface from damage that may become serious over time.
Saves You Cash
Another great thing about sealcoating a driveway is that it can save you cash. When you own an asphalt driveway, you need to make sure that you perform regular maintenance on its surface to keep it stable. Unfortunately, this maintenance may be costly, particularly if you need to repair or even replace parts of your driveway. Thankfully, a sealcoat can help here by making your driveway more resistant to various types of damage.
For example, a high-quality sealcoating will help to protect your driveway from sun and rain, as we've already mentioned once or twice here. However, all of this protection is hugely beneficial because it will give your pavement an, in essence, second skin. This second skin forms a protective barrier that helps to fend off other problems, such as impact damage, that may also impact your driveway.
As a result, you won't have to provide your driveway with the same frequency of maintenance that you would otherwise. Even better, you can keep your driveway durable and resistant for years to come simply by adding a driveway sealcoating. Make sure that you add a new sealcoat according to the schedule printed on the can, though. This step ensures that you get the best results that you can buy.
Improved Appearance
A high-quality driveway needs to have a sturdy asphalt surface that not only protects against weathering damage but which looks great as well. Unfortunately, weathering damage can slowly wear down the appearance of your driveway in a variety of ways. For example, the color will fade, the surface will start to become more brittle, and damage will spread that may be hard to repair without help.
Thankfully, a driveway sealcoatingcan help here by protecting your driveway from these problems. As a result, your asphalt will look younger for much longer than it would have otherwise. Expect minimal breakdowns across its surface when you apply a sealcoat properly. Even better, you can change the appearance of an asphalt driveway by adding a stain or sealant that has a slightly different hue.
As a result, you can change your driveway not only to look better but to match your home and other decorative elements near you. This benefit is significant because it helps to ensure that your home looks as great as possible with minimal complications. Importantly, it also helps to create a high-quality style that is hard to top and which will make your home look stronger for longer.
Helps Manage Snow and Ice
Lastly, a driveway sealcoatingis one of the best ways to protect your asphalt driveway from various types of snow and ice problems. Simply put, sealcoating helps to accelerate how quickly that snow and ice melts off of your driveway. When these items melt, they will roll off the surface of your driveway harmlessly and pool along the side in a way that lets them absorb into the ground and avoid damaging your asphalt.
This benefit has a lot of advantages that make it an excellent choice for your home. First of all, protection of this type helps to keep water and moisture from absorbing into your pavement surface. As a result, you won't have to worry about expansion and contraction when the temperature changes throughout the year. Water in the asphalt has a nasty habit of growing and shrinking, but sealcoating stops this issue.
Make sure that when you apply a sealcoat to your driveway, however, that you do it when the temperature is right. Sealcoating in the winter isn't a great idea because you need the temperature to be at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit to achieve positive effects. The temperature must remain at this level for eight hours after the application as well. So try to add a sealcoat to your driveway during the late summer or early fall season when the temperature is more reasonable.
Let Us Help You Get High-Quality Care
So if you want the best driveway sealcoating Onalaska, Middleton, Waunakee, and Baraboo, Wisconsinhas to offer, and you want a professional to help you achieve that goal, please contact us at Custom Sealcoating today to learn more. Our experts have years of experience and fully understand how to protect your asphalt driveway and make it as secure as possible for your needs.